A simple online resource to aid home schooling. A story based yoga class to do together, a class for you, flashcards, music, mindful activities & more.
Focus on Focus - learning tip from Philip Davis Educationalist
The Pause Bell - learning tip from Philip Davis Educationalist
Finding Words - learning tip from Philip Davis Educationalist
Movement words - learning tip from Philip Davis Educationalist
One Object - learning tip from Philip Davis Educationalist
LISTEN - 15 min Interactive story video - 'Listening in the jungle'
Listen - Jungle story printout
LISTEN - 'Listening in the Jungle'- SONGS
LISTEN - Pose of the month - Snake (song video)
Video of snake pose for parents
How to do Snake Pose download
What do I know now quiz?!
Look what I learnt in LISTEN! - print out certificate to tick off as you go along
Yoga for grownups & older children - 20 min beginners yoga session